IEG-Compact Stripper System (KS)
to remove volatile contaminants from groundwater

IEG-low-profile-compact-strippers (KS) are used to treat up to 15 m³/hr of contaminated process or groundwater. Fresh air being pulled through two built-in specially designed labyrinth strippers strips the volatile contaminants from the water. The off-gas is treated with activated carbon or other filter devices. The efficiency of the stripping device is enhanced by the negative system pressure. The complete treatment system can be implemented frost- and sound-proof in an enclosure (e.g. 20-foot container).

Description of Method:
The contaminated water is pumped directly into the compact stripper. Negative pressure created by a blower is applied to the stripper vessel. Within she stripper vessel two labyrinth strippers are stacked on top of each other and fresh air is being pulled through the contaminated water in various steps. The volatile constituents are transferred into the gaseous phase according to the prevailing phase equilibrium and are removed with the off-gas. Clean water is collected in the sump of the stripping unit and disposed of accordingly. The off-gas is cleaned without conditioning by activated carbon of other filter devices.

System Design:
The standard-design material of the stripping unit is polyethylene (PE). For maintenance and cleaning the two labyrinth strippers can be removed separately from the stripping vessel. No other mayor parts have to be disassembled (no tower packings etc.) for maintenance.

Performance Data of the Compact Stripper:
Water treatment capacity:0 - 15 m³/hr
Stripping Efficiency up to 99 %

Advantages of IEG-Compact-Strippers (KS):

  • Complete system can be set up in a container; no problems with noise emissions, winterizing etc.
  • Maintenance-friendly, besides the two labyrinth stripping trays no other parts have to be disassembled
  • Low relative moisture of the off-gas due to negative pressure stripping process; off-gas can be treated e.g. with activated carbon without conditioning
IEG-LNAPL-Removal-Systems (FLE)